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Old 08-28-2008, 02:59 PM   #6
Retired Air Force Veteran
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Location: Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024
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Re: WIW: Black or Red Powder Coated Glove Box Door

CG, you got a great deal on your powder coating.

Here in South Florida, most things, esp. custom work, tends to be a bit higher in price than most places. I invested in some equipment and supplies to do my own stuff and just thought about how many pieces on our trucks can be Powder Coated. Unlike the new trucks (so much plastic), all of the small stuff in mine will be done one day (BTW, brackets come out great). Just trying to get a high and low price range and find an average to be able to say "would someone be interested in having some P/C done"

Shawn, your right. a guy wants to make a little profit after supplies, labor, electric, etc. but also wants to keep it fair and keep a good rep.

Thanks for the input guys.
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