Thread: Whatcha need?
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Old 08-29-2008, 10:57 AM   #15
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Re: Whatcha need?

Vent window - 5$ + S+H
Tilt Column - 100$ + S+H (If there is one there)

I will be going to get the parts in the next week.

You guys have just filled up my car, so thats it, I'll start another one of these threads next time I go.

The yard is in Cokesbury, not a town, a road. No one lives up here in the boonies so you will never find it.

P.S. I know the stuff is very cheap, I think if I'n going to sell something to fill my pocket, I shouldn't empty someone else's.
2004 Black GTO LS2/T56 too much to list

Miss having a truck
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