Thread: Whatcha need?
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Old 08-29-2008, 02:39 PM   #24
Catchy title goes here..
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Re: Whatcha need?

bradley, please do not take money or price out items you do not have. Its super nice of you to make a list and get folks stuff but you can not list things for sale that you do not have.

I know you are trying to help out and do good. The whole not selling things you don't have in your possession is a way bad idea though. Do not accept money for anything until you have it, otherwise its kinda pretty much fraud.

Guys please remember we were all teenagers once. And even though Bradley has brought most of the replies he gets upon himself.. he is trying to learn somewhat, and tries to be helpful as well. He is a teenager who is interested in our hobby. Isn't that what its all about?
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