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Old 09-02-2008, 09:55 AM   #12
Texas Big Wig
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Re: Help with heating the coils

Dang, I cant stand when all these guys bag on heating coils

Heres how you do it... MAY NOT be the BEST way, but does work & I havent had ANY problems from doing it

You start at the bottom & start heating it up (till its orange & starting to twist) then you start moving up the coil till you have reached the desired amount of drop

I like to park mine one some cement & have a buddy keep a tape measure ran from the ground to the fender well & keep track of how many inches of drop you've done

I have done up to 6" but the ride sucks, so 4" or maybe 5" is about the most I would do

Oh, & when you lower the first side it will be a lil lower than when you lower the second side (because its not level at that point)

Hope you get it done & have no problems just like me & hundreds of other people who have done it for the past 40 years

Now, I will go out saying one last thing here
Im not saying this is the best thing to do or anything you should do, just another option in the lowering world & if you want to be low & ride good & not worry about springs breaking, then bag your truck
Its not much different in price from drop springs & you dont have to have a tank & compressor, just a lil bit of air line & a couple schrader valve will do the job just fine
Just not low enough...


Last edited by Spray-Bomb; 09-02-2008 at 10:00 AM.
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