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Old 09-03-2008, 05:11 PM   #13
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Re: Max lowness without bags

Do you have the 20's on the front yet? It looks likeif you put them on the front you'll get a little lower. Like N2TRUX said, if you go to low in front with a static drop you'll beat the snot outa your lower control arms. I had that problem with my Burb and I had to raise it up a inch or so. Right now I have about 3 1/2" of ground clearance any lower and its bottoming out. I don't know how bad the roads are where you live but they aren't that bad here so you might want to take that into conciteration also.

79 Burb,350,tremic 5 spd, 4 wheel disc, daily driver
74 swb,350,350,driver & future project
"There's no such thing as a finished project"

Last edited by GMBowtie79; 09-03-2008 at 05:25 PM.
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