Originally Posted by jlaird
hey dubdeuce80,
I'm who you bought those plates from. I'm also curious as why they didn't fit. You are the first I've run into this issue with. Whatever I can do to help just let me know.
cool, thanks for the plates and awesome customer service. here are some pictures of them with the sway bar holes lined up. hopefully i don't have 3/4 ton lcas or something

(yes i know they are extremely rusty, they've sat through quite a few thunderstorms, but they will be POR15'd along with new drilled/slotted rotors soon!)
this sides fine...
but not so much on this side
Originally Posted by bagged69c10
There has been lots of talk about that subject. The plate wont let it go as low. So Ive heard. Other than that theres nothing wrong with it.
i'll be doing some heavy modifications to the crossmember anyways, so i'll be raising where the upper plate mounts while i'm at it, similar to the red rocker i believe it was