Originally Posted by truckdude239
need to look for some damage to the front end somewhere binding the cv axles the axles are designed to get longer and shorter as the front end moves. by rasiing the truck the axle is probley at the longest setting and has nomore movement /adjustsment to amodate the front end moving cause the cv axles to break
Originally Posted by Pyrotechnic
Being that you are dealing with aftermarket parts and non stock ride height, I would start looking at alignment.
Truckdude hit the nail on the head, something is binding somewhere and causing that CV joint to lock up and break.
I hear what you guys are saying, but since we used a drop-down bracket lift (and not a spindle lift) the axle shafts are at a 'stock' angle....
Also the alignment is withn spec...again because 'everything' was dropped down.
I know if the front diff didn't have an air-locker, this wouldn't happen...there is NO slip, so all the torque is applyed to both wheels, all the time.
Just didn't realize this front end was that weak.