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Old 09-15-2008, 04:17 PM   #1
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Posts: 315
Finally a turnaround ??

Looks like the world economy is going to get straighted out. Everything has gotten haywire from people speculating, overinvesting, overcharging and so on. So 1/2 the country has properety that worth 1/2 what they paid. and Huge invenories of parts and cars that are way out of current market ranges. I talked with a collector today who has over 100 55-72 GM and Mopar cars and huge stockpiles of hemi parts , BBC parts COPO'c Nickys,Yenkos Motion stuff and more. he bought most of his cars before the craze drove prices to the roof in the last 7-8 years cars and houses. but the stuff he bought durring that time was way overpriced parts included. now reality sets in and he all need to come back to earth. ats were my point lyes. Hopefully things will all get back to a normal price and the dallor will gain strenght.
$2.50-gas, not $4+ $1.00 coke not $1.49, maybe people can actually afford to buy there first house and pay it off before they die. Or afford a classic car remember when you could get a 67-69 camaro for $5,000 that was a driver everyday of the week ?? good times.
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