Originally Posted by pcmcobra
a lot of coral snakes I know in SOuth florida, I ran into many in my youth, nothing a machete would not fix, or my german shepard.
I'm still a little freaked out, keeping my feet off the floor.
I agree, only good snake is a dead snake.
(All you treehuggin' greenpeacers', stay out of my snake thread!)
Seriously man, would you rather mice/rats or snakes?! A cornsnake in non-venemous, can't "hurt" ya!
My pit mix got tagged by a rattler in the back yard a month or so ago and $1100 later she is OK, but I'd still have a tough time killing the snake, since the dog got close enough. I have kids, so yeah, I catch and move lots of them, but killing them for being a snake doesn't seem to make sense to me."
BTW how's the 6.0 runnin?? I have heck tracking that thread, LMK, PM me K?