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Old 02-16-2003, 02:54 AM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: London,Ont,Canada
Posts: 200
I need a Digital Camera! can anyone help me pick one???

I went out looking at Digital Cameras today and WOW talk about confusing...

Can some of the resident experts with Digital cameras PLEASE tell me the specs, Brand names, and prices, on what I need to take pics of my truck project as it progresses.

I would like to take pics to make prints to go in a photo album, size would probably be 4"x5", also pics to post on the web page etc etc.

The objective is to get good CLEAN CLEAR PICTURES like I see on this board, and on some of your web pages.


Thanx to all who reply, it is greatly appreciated, as I am totaly confused by salesmen in camera shops who only know how to try and upsell.
Have a fabulous day.
Bill... (ö¿ö)

" Loud Pipes Save Lives "
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