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Old 02-16-2003, 03:20 PM   #9
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 461
i use a Sony DSC S30. Slightly older model, only about 1.3 megapixels I believe. great camera, never failed.

you want to get a camera that has the most megapixels you can afford really. the more pixels, the higher the resolution and quality of the pic.

features are dependent on you. most will not give you more than a 3x-6x zoom. most have timers. some will offer moveable video screen, others are stationary.

a big consideration is the media used. there are several different types of flash cards that these cameras use, the brand will determine the type used. Sony uses the memory stick. Others use Flash or whatever. Some you need an adapter to plug in the computer, some you can plug right into USB and just load some software drivers. Sony is USB w/software. pretty easy. Other flash cards can plug right into a printer if you have the higher end HP's and a few others. Basically, get one that is most compatible with what you have and you can afford.

hope this helps. good luck!

79BIG10: nice motor!
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