Thread: olds 350 swap
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Old 02-16-2003, 05:43 PM   #5
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Hilversum, The Netherlands
Posts: 74
My truck has an olds 350 in it. My truck was born a diesel powered truck but one of the previous owners has converted it to an old 350. Prerunner1982 is right about the transmission, I've got a th400 behind the olds which will not bolt to a chevy block so I'm stuck with the olds engine. For now that is cause I really would like to swap it for a chevy block with th700r in the future. When the money is there I will find myself a good donor for the trans and engine (It will be hard to find over here in the Netherlands). But that is my story.

If you need some pictures or other info about how to do the swap just send me an email at and I'll do my best to answer your questions.
Sam 79
The Netherlands
'79 GMC c15
'72 VW beetle
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