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Old 02-16-2003, 06:01 PM   #11
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Hilversum, The Netherlands
Posts: 74
I've got a canon powershot s10, it's a older model but there are some new model with the same features. takes real nice pics and is easy to use with a small LCD on the back. Use a compactflash memorycard. From factory it came with a 8 mb card but I've bought a 64 mb card and can make about 150 pics on it depending on the quality chosen. It uses a USB cable to connect to the computer. Photoshop reconizes this camera so you can import your pics directly into the program. It also comes with all kinds of software to edit your pics. If you use the supplied software it is quite fast in downloading your pics to your computer.

Remember that a digital camera needs more light than a regular camera and the flashers on a digital cameras aren't always the most powerfull ones so if you are going to buy one, do some tests with it in the shop and see if it has a powerfull flasher. Just make a picture in a darker part of the shop and take a look at the result using the LCD on the back.
Sam 79
The Netherlands
'79 GMC c15
'72 VW beetle
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