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Old 09-20-2008, 10:57 PM   #7
Its Deja Vu time again
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Marysville, North of Seattle WA
Posts: 815
Re: whats a frame and cab worth?

I saw a complete truck in my area with no running gear, straight body go for $1100.

Of course it always cost more to buy. That's how they make their profit. Joe sells for $80 a ton and they turn around and part it out making a HUGE profit. Of course they have overhead and get to deal with the EPA guys with all the leaking fluids and whatnot.

We have a Jeep yard in my area where Jeeps are taken apart as soon as they enter the yard and every part is tagged and entered into a computer. You can walk in and ask for anything and its on a shelf or a rack priced and condition noted.
Its not pretty but its mine to figure out.
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