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Old 09-21-2008, 01:03 AM   #8
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Re: Update at the bodyshop (not dialup friendly)

Went by the shop today to move a replacement bed for my other truck and check on progress. Not much got done during the week, thanks to the annual fire inspection and the 3 days of making sure everything's kosher. However, he got the bed back off and fixed the cowl rust. He was blocking/priming/skim coating a few baby dings in the cab roof once we got the bed moved. He was going to prime late tonight/early tomorrow, and hopefully shoot the cab either Sunday evening or first thing Monday. So, I went home and dyed my new door panels and have them ready to go. I plan to go down next Saturday and put the interior back together. I'm getting antsy to get it back...

Last edited by Prong; 09-21-2008 at 01:05 AM.
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