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Old 09-21-2008, 01:53 AM   #20
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Wa.
Posts: 20,135
Re: Longhorn Man Reunion Tour 08

Drew kicked up a lot of dust stripping down the side of the box. Uncovered some interesting body work too.

Eric welding up some cracks. He also welded up the patch panels and a bunch of extra mirror mounting holes.

Thats Drews son Zach (geeze I hope I remembered that right lol) trying to stay awake behind Eric. I think he was kinda bored (and probably a little shy) about the whole ordeal, but he didnt complain or give his pop any crap. When my kids were that age I woulda been much longer? when do we get to go?

Im so glad they are past that. Speaking of my kids...Eric came up to me...Hey Mark there is some guy out there that drove in from the back way and is walking around checking out all our stuff. He's wearing a bandanna and has a bunch of tattoo's. Oh...thats my younger son Tyler. The tats, well thats something he's going to have to live with, but the bandanna is a new thing. When he comes buy we give him such a hard time and laugh at him he takes it off...He really is a nice looking sure cant tell it with the dorky bandanna though.

Thats him talking with my brother Chris...With the look on their faces I wonder what they were talking about?

See...nice looking kid with long sleeves and no doesnt like us to call it that.
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Last edited by CG; 09-21-2008 at 01:57 AM.
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