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Old 09-22-2008, 12:24 AM   #38
Frizzle Fry
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Re: Longhorn Man Reunion Tour 08

That was a good time indeed! I'm still recovering (20hr day after 2hrs sleep ). Thanks again to CG for hosting, Al for the shirts, Ellen for the grub, LHM for the "excuse," and everyone else for a great day of truckin BS! <-the good kind. I didn't even get a good look at that nose art till we got back to Portland. It looks schweet! I think it was a good move to focus on fixing all the little body issues. We had plenty to keep the crew busy all day and then some. It may be hard to capture in before/after shots but the truck came a long way with a good crew working for about 8 hours.

Brad, if you want to pull the rest of those dings at my place before you paint it let me know.
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