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Old 09-23-2008, 10:41 PM   #605
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Re: Its Mine the World Famous 67 Dragtruck

Originally Posted by PA-IndianRider View Post
I'm pretty sure you're saying what I'm going to do in a "different way"..... the bed is NOT going to move or be changed at all ..... the rearend housing will be moved forward (5" or so) and then the fenders (wheelwell opening) centered over the wheels/tires.
the rearfenders should modify eazely just cut a rectangle out of each one with 5 inch offset to the front when measured from the centre of the wheel in its stock position and weld the leftside piece in the rightside fender and vice versa if you make the pieces exactly the same there should be hardly any hamering involved
i got a job again and having fun at it too

idea's for the trucks and the order of things to do are taking shape and get closer to being realized , a few more months and i be able to start building for real

i complete 2 of the trucks intoo running fashion one custom and one basicly stock the thirth will be sacrificed for parts

Last edited by watahyahknow; 09-24-2008 at 02:39 PM.
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