Thread: 70 c20
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Old 09-25-2008, 09:22 AM   #2
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Re: 70 c20

Your are right the casting number does indicate it is a 283 built from 64-68 for cars and trucks.

What is the number on the front of the engine on the passenger-side just below the head on the small flat area? It will shed more light on what engine you have. It should be something like V09030CNN.

I have a 1971 C-10 and that is the number on the engine in my truck which is for a 1970 engine used in a car.

'67 Chevy C-20 short stepper - build complete, 454/SM-465.
'75 C-30 Single Cab DRW-350 small block/NP-435.
'77 GMC-6500 Dump Truck, 427 Tall Deck.
'92 GMC K-3500 Duallie, 454/4L80E.

Last edited by Shyguy; 09-25-2008 at 10:14 AM.
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