Thread: Bone head moves
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Old 09-26-2008, 04:19 PM   #16
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Re: Bone head moves

Working on my 71 Camaro (350/350). I had it jacked up in the sloping driveway with my floorjack. No need for stands, as I am only going to be under it for a few seconds. I was doing something, bumped the shift linkage, nothing happened so no alarm. A second later I hear a creek and the car is on my chest. I couldn't do anything, no breath, no YELLY, I was under it for a few minutes before someone saw me and lifter the car. A few seperated ribs, cracked sternum, and almost dies from air bubbles in the blood (when you compress your chest {decrease the lung's filling with clean air} you build up poison gas in the blood), anyways I now most of the time put jack stands under a car?! I KNOW, I KNOW, but I am hard headed.

BTW Faces of DEATH (seen it??) A dude died under car in a wrecking yard, car fell and the front brake rotor cut his legs (off if I remember right?!) and he bled to death?! So do as I say, not as I do!! Use jack stands!!
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