Thread: Bone head moves
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Old 09-26-2008, 04:23 PM   #17
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Re: Bone head moves

Originally Posted by 70rs/ss View Post
Working on my 71 Camaro (350/350). I had it jacked up in the sloping driveway with my floorjack. No need for stands, as I am only going to be under it for a few seconds. I was doing something, bumped the shift linkage, nothing happened so no alarm. A second later I hear a creek and the car is on my chest. I couldn't do anything, no breath, no YELLY, I was under it for a few minutes before someone saw me and lifter the car. A few seperated ribs, cracked sternum, and almost dies from air bubbles in the blood (when you compress your chest {decrease the lung's filling with clean air} you build up poison gas in the blood), anyways I now most of the time put jack stands under a car?! I KNOW, I KNOW, but I am hard headed.

BTW Faces of DEATH (seen it??) A dude died under car in a wrecking yard, car fell and the front brake rotor cut his legs (off if I remember right?!) and he bled to death?! So do as I say, not as I do!! Use jack stands!!
I knew a guy that died from that. He used cinder blocks instead of jack stands. Blocks broke and nobody was around and he died under his car. Moral of the story is don't be lazy and use the proper equipment.

Last edited by drunkbus; 09-26-2008 at 04:24 PM.
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