Thread: Bone head moves
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Old 09-26-2008, 06:10 PM   #19
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Re: Bone head moves

Originally Posted by drunkbus View Post
I knew a guy that died from that. He used cinder blocks instead of jack stands. Blocks broke and nobody was around and he died under his car. Moral of the story is don't be lazy and use the proper equipment.

Ditto! I have had a cinder block break as well as a big wood block tip, whatever you use, be sure it is secure. Sorry about your buddy, I was close to meeting up with him though. My brother too, he changed the starter on my mom's 74 Nova with a muncie 4-speed. Didn't disconnect the batt, arced the + term and drove the car over the ramps and onto his chest like 10-15 years before I did it to myself, I should've learned from his incident as well.
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