Originally Posted by acl
I also tried other years with many problems in length and spacers and this was the best by far. There is no problem holding up. I wish i would have done this first and saved the trial and errors i had. Just my 2 cents. Gary
Hey Gary, what did you end up using for drums after your axles were re-drilled, how wide were the shoes/drums that you endded up using, did you change out backing plates also? I just had a set of 70 12 bolt (narrow type) axles re-drilled locally for the 5 on 5" pattern and am having problems finding over the counter/new drums that fit with the already replaced/new brake parts. All of the common 71 and up 5 lug drums that I have been shown at three diff. parts houses are of the wider type which would mean swapping out more parts, also tried 75 caprice (to wide) and am thinking of trying more GM big car rear drums next. Any info will be greatly appreciated, Mel