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Old 09-28-2008, 04:45 PM   #12
fastwillie 696969
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Re: sorry i have to ask but:

Originally Posted by OrrieG View Post
I am sorry for your pain. My kid went haywire and bought a used Tarass. Eventually the repair costs were approaching the original purchase price (around 5K) when the tranny puked for the second time in 20K miles. While she owned it we found that it takes about 16 hours to r&r the dash to replace the heater core, you have to pull have the motor mounts, ps pump and a bunch of stuff to replace the water pump. Takes about 4 hours and there is one bolt that is a blind r&R. Exhaust manifold crack and all the ones at the wrecking yards are cracked too. Bought stock in JB weld. When she gets it fixed tell her to sell it.

Oh did I mention that the ECM start puking every 1500 miles, are not made anymore, you just get someone elses that puked and was fixed enough to last 1500 miles. The mechanic that was replacing them under 90 day warranty (kid was driving 70 miles per day to school and back) finally paid us to not come back because the labor for r&r was not being reimbursed by the co that remanufactored them.
i never had to pull motor mounts on any tauras i worked on for getting a water pump off
what engine was in this tauras ?
is it fast ? it has a lighting bolt donut?

B___H please, I can remove 90% of your so called "beauty" with a kleenex
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