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Old 09-29-2008, 11:36 PM   #7
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: Transmission swap for Suburbans???

the problem you have now with your tranny, could be one of two things. Either your cruise speed is right at a shift point and when you floor it it has to think about it, or, your tranny is getting old and lame. The cable on the TH350 is not a TV cable, it is just a kick down cable. There operation seems to be the same, but they are not.
The kick down cable does 2 things. When you go to wide open throttle from a cruise, it'll kick it down a gear or two. Pluss, it holds it in the lower gears. If you take off from a stand still and the kick down isn't hooked up, then it won't 'hold' first very long, and second will only last a second or two, and it'll be in third.
The TV cable, while it controls those functions, it also controls the line pressure. It has to an extent, a variable rate hyd pump, and the tranny NEEDS the line pressure to jump the second you hit the throttle.
The lock up controller controls the lock up torque converter. Good for a couple hundred RPM drop when it kicks in.
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