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Old 09-30-2008, 03:49 PM   #4
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Re: Headlight upgrades

well....wattage does not neccesarly mean more light for example a standard sylvania h4 bulb can supply about if you are running a HID kit...they run on 35w of power and produce amout 10x more light. i do h4 conversions every weekend for chevelle's trans am, c10's motorcycles...anything....hid kits have come down alot in price and they are the most bang for the buck compared to any light on the market...they used to be 300 for a you can get them alot they sealed beam conversion its like 50bucks from brothers for 2lights....then the hid kit for about 100....and spend about 30min and your done....there will be no need for you to upgrade your high beam headlamps
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