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Old 09-30-2008, 11:22 PM   #16
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Posts: 43
Re: Best oil for a 292 I-6 in a 1967 C50?

I run the Rotella T in my aircooled Volkswagen with solid lifters, high spring pressure ect...I try to give it all the protection I can...some other VW guys use that plus the GM EOS "break in" additive for not only cam break in but put some in at every oil change. Theres also STP, I use it for assembly lube, I know it used to have high zinc content, not sure if it still does. I think if your worried about it, thats what I would do.

Sorry about the VW references, it's all I know (for now) as I'm new to the V8 world but we've had lots of cam/lifter failures so lots of oil/additive talk goes on.
71 Chevy 1/2 ton
66 VW bug
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