Re: Headlight upgrades
Originally Posted by mrein3
Personally I would never consider an aftermarket setup for lights on my truck. What do you do if your whizz-bang headlight goes to he!! while you're on the road? You're screwed. What do you do if a rock kicks up and breaks the light case or whatever you call it? You're screwed.
Do the headlight relay upgrade and go to Wal*Mart or ANY automotive supplier in the US of A and pick up a set of sealed beam halogens. If one goes out ANY place on the planet you're a Wal*Mart or O'Reilleys or NAPA stop away from being back on the road. And you have $100 - $400 extra in your pocket. When did $400 become a cheap upgrade? Call me Rip Van Winkle
A HID upgrade doesn't do any damage to the poriginal wiring so if it fails (which is unlikely) then you can just carry a couple of normal bulbs in your glovebox and simply replace the HID bulbs with them.
'67 C10 long fleet.
350/TH350, 4 bbl Carter, K&N, Dual exhaust, loads of stuff coming soon
2001 S10 Blazer Daily Driver, bone stock 4 door 4x4 with manual transmission