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Old 10-02-2008, 02:24 AM   #163
kdrodworks316's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: st.anthony Idaho
Posts: 864
Re: 66 slammed hearse

Hey there Rice grinder, I will be stopping by as soon as I can get back up there. I will help kill that MT dew stash. As for the Big Block talk, small change in plans there, No longer a 454, but a 348. I have came across a runner, so as soon as I can get my dirty lil paws on it I will put it on a stand and inspect it, clean it, and fire it to see if it needs to be opened up. As for the 283 I just installed with ALOT of help from my friends (you know who you are), I was able to take the burban for a spin tonite. I must say its a bit differant now, it has enough gitty up to get out its own way now. I had to raid the local parts house for some go-fast goodies I didn't need, Accel coil and wires, MSD coil bracket, Chrome air cleaner, accel points, cap, rotor, plugs and chrome wire looms. If you follow the advice that every piece of chrome is worth 5 hp, I figure I am up about 35 hp over what it was yesterday. I also found out this 283 already has a gear drive timing set in it, can't mistake that sound. Jared, Todd, and myself got it running really good tonite. Its strange that now my powerglide shifts alot better now. Kinda strange because it wasn't changed at all. My brakes are still acting funny and soft, but they stop. Its going on the fall cruize on saturday, maiden voyage and show all in 1, then the fall car show next weekend. More updates as I get more done and more pictures if I ever get to work it the daylight.
If the life I live dont kill me, then I guess I'll never die!

New updated stuff at
My site still needs help, web guys and gals pm me.

the best guys in the whole world:
sweet70beast, jonzcustomshop, runninlow, captainfab, and the one I havent met yet, joe231
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