Thread: Rusted doors
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Old 10-02-2008, 10:47 PM   #5
Old Chevy Mech
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Re: Rusted doors

I just did this and the one thing I would make sure is when you replace the inner section, make sure that you have it installed at the proper angle so the door skin contour follows the proper door contour. Mine turned out about 3/16off, so I wound up forcing the lower outer door skin inward some to not stand off the rocker too far. Some of this error may have been from the repair piece not matching exactly and causing the error in alignment. I also installed the parts on the door off the truck, a definite boo-boo. I knew better, just thought I was keeping tolerences close enough.

One suggestion that I believe will save repairs in the furure is to POR-15 the entire inside of the door while its off the truck. Itsa pain, but if the stuff is a s good as it costs, it's worth it. I did the complete 3 step process in hopes it will make the doors last another 38 years. I did the inside if the front fenders with POR-15 as well. Its amazing how the inner upper part is a moisture trap and was the rustiest spot on the inside of the fender.

1970 K-5 4X4 Blazer
1970 K-20 4X4 Long Bed

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