Not sure what the problem with my post was, you asked a question I clipped some info you asked for from the other thread and posted for you to see.
I guess I should have taken out the section that made it seem I was with SD. Not sure how that is being an ass.
I am not one to get into these pissing contest, just trying to help people get the info they asked for. I have no affiliation with SD.
Moderators, I can understand your point of letting the vendors answer their own question, but their are vendors that do not log on and check post for days, and it always seems to be the case that board members and moderators go out find the info from other threads and post it. Maybe the posting rules need to be updated to include this.
Originally Posted by lowdownstar
If you really want to sell ME a drop member then please answer my question with a little respect. I don't know you guys from a hole in the wall and if i don't ask the right question or say it the right way i am sorry but please don't treat me like an ass! thank you
I also asked Can some one show some pic's of how all this looks on a truck? i am sure you have this installed on a truck so you know it fits and works well together, "right". What are the benefits of a drop member and is it only for guys wanting to lay frame? Thanks Ray
I hope your not the one doing customer service for SD!