Thread: Weekend Score!
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Old 10-04-2008, 11:31 PM   #1
Chevy nut
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Weekend Score!

I answered an ad on Craigslist Friday. He had a 20" flat panel TV for sale for 50.00. I was the first caller.

When I get there he tells me about how he is leaving town that night. This was 5:00. he was leaving at 7:00. So I ask what is the least he would take for the TV. He said what would you give? I said 25.00. He said ok. I thought that was too easy. He asked me if I would be interested in his computer....I said waht do you want for it? He said 50.00. WHAT?? Ok the computer is 3.0 GHZ...1 GB RAM DDR2. DVDRW with light scribe. DVD rom drive....Flat screen monitor...6 months old. its a HP media center one. 200 gb hard drive. All in printer scanner and copier. $50.00?? Yep.

Just for giggles...I figured I would ask about the laptop I seen sitting there. Compaq...3.0 GHZ, 1 GB of ram, DVD RW, 120 GB hard drive. He said what would you give for it? I said 75.00. He said ok. WHAT?? Ok I am freaking.

There was a box full of stuff...APC power strip and protector, Another surge protector, Netgear wireless router, wireless mouse, 3 optical mice, and misc wires and cords.

I got 3 books all on C++.

This morning I call a cop friend of mine to see if any of this was hot. All good. So I made out like a bandit this weekend.

84 Chevy Custom Deluxe 1/2 Ton Named Fade To Black II

"Remember kids there is NO replacement for displacement!"

Last edited by caminokid; 10-04-2008 at 11:31 PM.
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