Thread: Seatbelts?
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Old 10-08-2008, 10:14 PM   #17
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Re: Seatbelts?

I found a '94 Olds 98 that gave up its 3-point belts and one lap belt. The thing I liked here was that you get the receivers with the GM mark of excellence badge.

Regarding the one-time use--I haven't found anything in SAE specs or NTSB journals that recommends replacing belts after impact. There are several references to child seats that essentially say "If everything works properly, the seat is safe to reuse." Honestly, I think GM would do more to ensure that their webbing suppliers meet SAE designs than Juliano's would.

As easy as the replacement would be, I would think that every body shop in the world would have been clamoring to charge customers $500 for new belts after any collision. Anybody out there know the insurance companies' opinion on replacing belts?
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