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Old 02-18-2003, 10:46 PM   #1
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Question door skin progress

I didn't think of this until today... What do I use to replace the caulk or whatever it is along the seam of the door skin? I saw seam sealer in a caulk tube type thing in Eastwood... is that all it is? I rolled one of the lips all the way this evening. I did both sides for awhile ...then when I knew it wasn't moving anymore I did the one side. I started at the top of the door and worked towards the bottom. after I bent it over with the hammer using my hand as backup. I used a pair of channel locks with a small thin piece of wood to protect the outside to crimp it the rest of the way. I think it looks very good. My back hurts from bending over to work upside down... but I didn't want to put the new skin down on my makeshift work stand... anyway enough rambling here's the pics...

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