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Old 10-09-2008, 01:59 PM   #1
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turbocharger on a 350?

I've been looking to add a little extra boost to my 350. It was just rebuilt, and was made to be mild, but better than stock, with a mid range everything. I was also hoping to get decent mileage, but that went out the window. I've been very pleased with the outcome, but more is always better, so I was looking to get a turbocharger to add a nice little bit of boost. The problem is, I know absolutely nothing about turbochargers, superchargers, or any of those extras that are used. I didn't build the compression to be much different than stock, though it was bored out .030 over. So basically, I'm looking at what kind of turbocharger (or supercharger, but I think I would have had to built the entire motor to be supercharged, so I ruled that out) I should be getting. And where should I mount it? I've got the all-too-common Hedmans on there.
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