Originally posted by BLACK AND BLUE 67-72
Yeah, it's good for starting brush fires! Buy Castrol!! I have seen the insides of motors using Quaker State And Pennzoil UUUUUgly They looked like someone dumped coffee grounds into the motors, seen very few make it over 100,000. Then using Castrol the insides looked much cleaner with hardly any sludge or deposits, It's the only kind I ever use. I owned a Nissan with 204,000 and it was still going strong and have several friends that have over 100,000 on theirs and no problems, Also my wife's car has 134,000 on it with no problems!!!
The reason is not the oil, it's the driving and oil change conditions. When driving consists primarily of only short trips the water doesn't get boiled out of the oil and forms brown sludge. This type of driving demands far more frequent oil changes, and the general public doesn't understand this. This is where I recommend oil changes every two months, and a drive down the highway every weekend. I've had several of my own vehicles and have used Pennzoil in them with no sludge buildup. Change the oil every 5,000 miles or six months, whichever comes first. But my vehicles rarely see a day of driving without the oil temp being high enough to boil water. My point is don't blame the oil for the operator's negligence or ignorance.