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Old 10-12-2008, 08:04 AM   #1
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Posts: 79
3 on the Tree conversion

The name says it all....I grew up on the farm driving my Dad's '47 pickup, took it out on all three dates in high school ('cause who wants to go out with a guy who drove a 30 year old truck at the time that smelled like cattle) and swore I would never drive another one again when it got shipped off to the junk yard. Time has done a lot of things including somehow making me romantacize how great it would be to drive an old truck again. So I bought a project truck in a hundred pieces.
I bought an engine and transmission on EBAY that was the 215 and torque tube. My question is hard is it to convert from the 3 on the tree to a floor shift and is it advisable to do so? I plan to put the exterior back in original condition, but plan on making several modifications to the interior to make it more modern (bucket seats etc). I will also become a regular questioner here since I dont know much about rebuilding these things. Thanks!
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