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Old 10-14-2008, 11:19 AM   #10
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Re: Is there any reason why i cant weld this?

Originally Posted by RocketChevy56 View Post
I agree with Lo on the bags. I had a leak in my front plumbing somewhere that lowered the front down and leaked out after sitting at night. I was in a hurry and drove it to work for like 2 days like that. I didn't really ever find the leak, so my bags deflated most every night for a good while. Needless to say...... H-pipe took a beating and my bags are wearing bad on me now (6 months later) I'll probably end up buying the air ride control arms and such, so I'm not too concerned, but learn from my mistakes!!! don't run your bags low!!
How are you in such a hurry that you can hit the switch or do you not have a compressor on your truck?
'72 2wd blazer, bagged w/ watts link & EDC
'72 C10 "Lowered Farm Truck" STOLEN 5-18-11
'66 impala ht
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