Re: Project ??????
I have went over the wiring with a fine tooth comb and so far nothing. Still all factory and aside from a couple cut wires from someone hooking up a radio wrong its all together. I cannot stand wiring thats all jacked up and rigged. It is one of my pet peives I guess. I like everything to look like it came from the factory that way or at least if it didnt it should have. Im not sure what to do about the woodgrain on the body. Since its missing some pieces i debating on weather to replace all of it or just take it off. Im not to fond of it but it breaks up all that green. Anyway Here are some pics of my instrument cluster I cleaned up. I need to order a new printed circuitboard still but it looks alot better than it did. Battery guage looks like it overloaded at some point and it shorted most of the board. Still debating on filling in the center part with black like original. Oil pressure guage was stuck but a little graphite and it works like new.