thats actually a 69 chevy cushion grip wheel,not the lmc one or aftermarket its also used in 69 to about 77 vettes,in black.colored ones actually came in buicks the small skyhawks.the wheel is about $159 the hub about $40,the horn contact is $20,and the cap about $30(that one there is a buick cap,with a bowtie on it it looks like)pep boys wont have that one but they have one thats similar.I use them on every vehicle i have by picking them up at swapmeets,junkyards.they are getting tough to find in the 69 Chevys they were a option,standard in the vettes,and a option in the buicks.the 4 spokes are found in some Olds starfires,and they are in upto 77 Oldsmobiles.once in a while i sell them on ebay 4 spokes always fetch $125 or upto $250 for a nice black one 3 spokes usually $75 up to $150 for a nice black one.there on ebay all the time type in 3 spoke steering wheel,or chevy 3 spoke sport wheel.