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Old 10-15-2008, 08:58 PM   #18
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Re: M&H front lighting wiring harness w/ alt conversion

Originally Posted by montyrobison View Post
To all,

Thanks for all of your comments. To 68orangesunshine - My alternator is mounted up high on the drivers side. I still can't find a bolt / location where this bracket should attach. Could it be the style of alternator? Any ideas out there on this? Thanks again!

Monty Robison
OK, you have the older type, short water pump style.
All Delcotrons of this vintage hook up the same.
[If you or a PO "upgraded" to a one-wire alternator, then the hook up may be different...]
There are 4 wires in 3 connections,1) a Red 12 Ga that is bolted to the Positive terminal, (called "BAT" in the manual), 2) a dual connector with a Blue 16 (Relay Terminal) and a White 16 ("F" Terminal) that plugs into the back of the Delcotron, and finally 3) a Black ("GRD") 16 that bolts to the negative ground terminal. The end of the angled metal bracket should go thru a 1/2" slot right next to the Negative terminal and the bracket is bolted thru the hole to the Delcotron by the neg stud that comes off the back of the alternator. The bracket makes for a better ground.

Vectorit has it all wrong. He has the ground bracket secured to one of the case bolts. It's supposed to go to the Negative Terminal. He's 120* out.

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.

Last edited by '68OrangeSunshine; 10-15-2008 at 09:29 PM.
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