Re: M&H front lighting wiring harness w/ alt conversion
I see the problem, Monty. You don't have the usual alternator for a '67-'72. That may be an internal regulator Delcotron ['73-'87]. The tip off is the flat connctor for the "F" and Relay terminals. On an external regulator alternator, the connector is square and the F and Relay terminals are side-by-side, not inline. Also the case has no 1/16"x1/2 slot adjacent to the GRD terminal for the grounding bracket. No wonder you guys are having trouble.
Although you might try fitting the ground bracket hole over the GRD terminal stud and see if there is not a slot within its radius -- outboard, about 1 or 2 O' Clock..
I tried to shoot pix of both my alternators, one on a 292 L6 and one on a V8 350, but my cheap Samsung digital camera won't work, even after I sent it back for service.
Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.
Last edited by '68OrangeSunshine; 10-18-2008 at 06:30 AM.