The 2.8 can be hopped up a bit, but it still has the week @ss crank in it when your done. You can put just about anythihng in it. If it is a toy, i think I'd go with a 350.
The hot rod; a'69 G.M.C. Short/Fleet. 350 W/a heluva cam and nice stance. Still a beater though. Trying to clean up the left over damage from the Dope-Smokin-Old-Man...a real bummer. See it at
The not rod; old beat up Mighty Morphin Power Ranger. (that's the ONLY cool way to say pos Ford Ranger)only purchased it for the gas mileage. (at least it's a V-6) And now it's for sale...2500 bucks or trade for inline '67 - '72.
I've been dubbed the Longhorn Freak/Fanatic/Expert, I just hope I can live up to it. Check out my Longhorn site at <A HREF="
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