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Old 10-20-2008, 02:17 AM   #222
kdrodworks316's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: st.anthony Idaho
Posts: 864
Re: 66 slammed hearse

Trucker's are just like lowriders, Bling and lights are our weakness, we just call them differant things. You call it "bling", we call it "chicken parts", you call 'em "leds", we call 'em "chicken lights". but we both do our fair share of "rooster cruisin", "ckicken haulin", "cluckin truckin". You strive to by lo and slo, I go for low and long.

As far as the cow smasher up front, thats called "protect the investment. it goes like this:$147,000 kenworth W900L + 1000lb elk= about $50,000 damage and the police asking questions about my logbook as opposed to $147,000 kenworth + $1200 bull bar + 1000 lb elk = dead elk and big, bloody mess on highway as my taillights fade into the darkness.
Anyway, I should see all of my western montana and northern Idaho buddies this week, stock the coolers boys, KD"s going "chicken truckin"
If the life I live dont kill me, then I guess I'll never die!

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the best guys in the whole world:
sweet70beast, jonzcustomshop, runninlow, captainfab, and the one I havent met yet, joe231
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