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Old 02-20-2003, 01:25 AM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Mobile,Al
Posts: 163
The day Swervin almost got me fired.

Seeing Mike's post about his website problems reminded me of a couple of years ago when he was thinking about closing down his site.

I had just gotten my ol sled of a pickup and was hanging out at the other forum a lot and was getting a lot of good info off Swervins site so I decided to make hard copies of everything on his site.Took me about four hours off and on and about a two inch stack of paper off the printer.My boss drifted by and figured out this probably wasn't work related and told me if I had so much free time he'd have to find more for me to do.He didn't take too kindly to it when I told him I was already working fifty five or sixty hours a week and getting paid for fourty so I didn't feel to bad about using a little of his printer paper.He went stomping back to his office and didn't speak to me for a week but he eventially got over it.

So,Mike,please don't shut down your site,think of all the job's you could risk.

Good Luck

76 Silverado
74 Vette
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