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Old 02-20-2003, 01:08 PM   #7
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Join Date: Oct 2002
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Yeah Dave, thats what I think of too.

I guess Im at the point where I wouldn't care a whole bunch if I got fired, except for the fact that good work is hard to find. I get underpaid, no benefits, no sick days (that are paid), no paid holidays. Its a big rip off. Atleast I still have a job, Im late everyday and spend alot of time online. I do alot for this company but they dont return it. As soon as I can find new work Im gone!
I wont be on here half as much, atleast thats how it looks.

Why didnt you get fired? Is the company stickin' it to you too, and theres not awhole lot either of you can do? I know Im needed so I know it will take alot to get fired. My boss knows I wont be easy to replace (with this pay and lack of benefits) so he doesn't say much about me being late or anything. It sounds nice and all for me, but money and benefits are the key to a good job, and I dont get either
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