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Old 02-20-2003, 06:03 PM   #23
swervin ervin
You get what you pay for
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Tom is just an ole country bumpkin, just like me. I have read his stories before and laughed until I cryed almost. I've already heard of the flaming redhead. Figured it might come to this. Sorry to hear, but you seem to be OK with it.

I guess if you are feeling fine with the way things are going, I'm glad for you as well. Good to hear Andy is doing good too. I know the feeling with the girl thing. I've got a 15 yo son who is girl crazy too. Or is it the girls are crazy over him? I don't know. All I know is, he's on the phone constantly. It's got to the point if the phone rings, I let him answer it. It's always for him anyway, so why should I waste my time getting up.

Me, I'm doing OK I guess. Things could be better, but we all think this way, right? I think my trouble is I'm just getting old. At 48, it takes a lot to thrill me. I've seen a lot of stuff in my time, some good, some bad. It used to be more fun when younger. Heck, everything thrilled me then.

You need to stop in more and bring some of that fantastic humor you have with you. I'm sure these youngins would get a big kick out of it. I know I sure do.

Good to hear from you.

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