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Old 10-27-2008, 01:40 PM   #5
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Re: ok, got my truck what? lol

Whether it has a new tank or not until you can determine if the tank is clean buy a cheap inline filter and that will kep any of the garbage that might be in the tank out of the carb. If it's a 250 like you said, with a single rochester on it. It's probally so darn cold blooded, once you get it running and get it warm you said that it idles some? Yes you should have a vacuum advance on that distributor. Really shouldn't affect your idle performance though. When you give it gas is it bogging out or starving? I found that on my 61 Burb that has dual Rochester singles on it that air cleaner actually makes a difference. It restricts the air flow some and will help it idle. Is there an exhaust on the truck? A little back pressure will help it too. How long has it sat? I'd say start with plugs and wires... there are several manifold adapters that you can buy that will allow you to put 4 barrels and 2 barrels in place of your single barrel. This is for future reference. I would imagine that the single on your truck is vintage and could stand a rebuild. Probally leaking air and everything else. Timming is also a good place to check. But first find where your vacuum advance should plug and go from there.. Good luck...

HEY... Where are the pic's?

Last edited by soba_03; 10-27-2008 at 01:41 PM.
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