Thread: Engine runs hot
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Old 10-28-2008, 12:07 AM   #1
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Engine runs hot

I have read several posts and picked up many tips and ideas. I have thoroughly been through the cooling system but engine still runs hot. I have a 292 6cyl with around 15,000 miles on rebuild. Manual transmission.

new water pump
3 row radiator - just rodded out
have tried 195, 180 & 160 thermostats - back to 180
new temp sending unit
hooked up alternate gauge - reads same as factory
ditched 4 blade stock fan - installed 6 blade
checked dash gauges ground wire
new 13 lb radiator cap
recent tune up - timing at 4 btdc

The engine does not act like it is running hot. No knock, rough idle or coolant boil over. The fan blade change out was the last thing I did and it seemed to help a bit. Factory gauge runs a little over 2/3 instead of 3/4+ (see pics of gauges taken before fan replacement). The only cooling system issue I can think of at this point would be the new sending unit is faulty. The sending unit I replaced gave same reading though so what is the chance of 2 faulty sending units. There is a slight amount of valve chatter, could valve lash cause engine to run hot? I have not tried drilling holes in thermostat, maybe an air pocket? Maybe the engine is not running hot but looking at that gauge running past the 1/2 way mark drives me nuts!!!
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