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Old 10-29-2008, 05:28 PM   #1
The LuvShack Garage
LUV2XCLR8's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Maple Grove, TN (West Side)
Posts: 30,474
Unhappy RIP - 1972 4wd CST Blazer (aka "GQ")

In 2 days I will follow down that road of many others here
and take a Perfect(ly) good Blazer and destroy it. She had
been for sale for a lil over a year with no reasonable bites.
I could just sink more $ into "Merlot" but I think having the
Flawless CA body already here makes a lot more sense. We
have big, big plans this weekend and there are sure to be
a few pictures taken. I will try to start a build thread post
as soon as I get further, already having some stuff Powder
Coated as I type and the future plans for what will now be
called "YFTSB". More details to come and some insight as
to what I am doing can be found in the named siggy linky.

I know some who read this will probably enjoy this smiley.

Owner/Op: "TN Classic Transport Carriers"
The Toy: "Square Vette" 72 Hybrid Blazer
Toy Barn: "LuvShack" 40 x 60 x 20 Shop
Tow Piggy:"Maddy" 88 Silverado 3500
Hauler: "Feathers" 14 Aluma 8218T
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